Wednesday, November 22, 2006



1. What two things are you most thankful for?

My partner and my parents.

2. What are two things you like about Thanksgiving?

That we don't celebrate it in Australia (sign we haven't given in totally to the US influence on our culture) and the Foxtrot cartoons that commemorate it.

3. What two foods do you like the most for Thanksgiving dinner?

Omen, who once cooked me a Thanksgiving dinner made the best pumpkin pie. I also love cranberry sauce thanks to that night.

4. What two things do you do with the leftovers?

Leftovers? Hmmmm; sheppards pie is a Christmas leftover family tradition. Bubble and squeek also gets made alot after Christmas.

5. What are two activities you do after eating Thanksgiving Dinner?

You're too young to know what we did after the Thanksgiving dinner made for me ;)

If I was in the US I'd probably watch the football, have I got this right, Superbowl on Thanksgiving? I'd also be recovering from protests over shooting wild turkeys.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the US readers.

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